{ Hasselback Beets with Crispy Sage + Honey Mustard Glaze }

Here’s a new one for you, giving a little extra punch to those earthy, colourful, sweet beets! And it doesn’t require any peeling either, just simple slicing, roasting, and then drizzling of this honey mustard glaze. Pictured is our vibrant gold beets, but you can do this with any colour (red, white, candy cane) with delicious results. Give it a try!

Use chopsticks or wooden spoons as a guide to help you slice thinly without cutting all the way through the beet (as pictured above).

Thank you Jessica Musslewhite for creating yet another wonderful recipe for our CSA! (Check out her page for more delicious food inspiration.) Meanwhile, I hope you are all enjoying the bounty that the garden has been producing this summer– so much fresh veggie goodness!

Hasselback Beets with Crispy Sage + Honey Mustard Glaze


  • 10-14 smaller sized beets, cleaned and trimmed but with skin on
  • Olive oil
  • 2 sage leaves per beet
  • Salt + pepper to taste

Honey Mustard Glaze

  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 tbsp smoked mustard
  • 1 tbsp rice wine vinegar
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 tsp garlic salt
  • Salt + pepper to taste


  • Preheat oven to 375°F. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • Thinly slice beets using chopsticks or wooden spoons as a guide to prevent from cutting all the way through the beet. 
  • Arrange beets on the baking sheet and drizzle beets with olive oil. Try and get the oil in between the slices as much as possible.
  • Place two sage leaves per beet in between some of the layers. Season with salt and pepper.
  • Roast for 60 minutes or until crispy and golden.
  • While the beets are cooking, make the glaze by whisking together all ingredients in a small bowl. Remove beets from the oven and drizzle with honey mustard glaze when hot.