Growing Together

For the love of life and fresh vegetables

Our Favourite Gardening Tools

{Our Favourite Gardening Tools} What are our favourite tools here on the farm? The ones we wouldn’t want to garden without? We are often asked this question and are happy to share our answers here with you. Even better, though, we went one step further and asked a number of our local farmer friends for their answers to give you even more feedback and recommended items below! Gardening can be rewarding and relentless, especially when done on a larger scale and organically, as we do here. Thankfully, some creative people have invented handy implements to help with tiresome tasks. Our favourite tools: [...]

Hey, nice to meet you!

I’m Andrea– farmgirl and food lover.

I grew up a city girl who married a farm boy. After years of working as a photographer and growing our family to seven, we purchased our little slice of prairie paradise here in Central Alberta, where we farm organic vegetables and feed our community. I love sharing new ways to use and enjoy those vegetables, along with tips and inspiration we’ve found helpful along the way, and I’m so glad you’re here.


Spotlight // latest recipes

Pumpkin Pancakes

{ Pumpkin Pancakes } Imagine waking up to the delicious fall smell of these breakfast [...]

 Life on the Farm

DIY Easy Kid’s Easel

{DIY Easy Kid's Easel} This was a quick little project that I've been wanting to do for the kids ever since the snow melted. We've barely entered spring here (not even any green out there yet!) but that sunshine calls to us nonetheless, and we are eager for new ways to get out and enjoy the beautiful outdoors again after a long, cozy winter. Ever since I took up painting again (after a long decade [...]

More Good Stuff…

Dehydrated Kale Powder

{ Dehydrated Kale Powder } Another great way to preserve that garden goodness through the winter is with dehydrated veggie powders. This kale powder tutorial is a simple way to keep enjoying [...]

How to Store Garden Vegetables Over Winter

{How to Store Garden Vegetables Over Winter} Every year we are asked by people growing their own food, "How do I store my garden harvest through the winter so I can feed my family?" There are a [...]

The latest happening at Grey Arrow Farm…