Chocolate Zucchini Sheet Cake

{ Chocolate Zucchini Sheet Cake } This delectable cake is chocolatey, moist and satisfying. It can be made with any form of courgette (zucchini/patty pan/summer squash), and is an easy picnic or bbq pack-a-long. Don't you just [...]

Chocolate Zucchini Sheet Cake2020-12-27T19:22:03+00:00

Simple Pie Crust

{ Simple Pie Crust } I don't know if there's anything more classic than a fresh slice of pie. Be it apple, strawberry, rhubarb, or maybe something savoury... I always catch myself conjuring up the image in [...]

Simple Pie Crust2020-12-27T19:35:46+00:00

White Cheddar Crackers

{ White Cheddar Crackers } These crackers are the bomb! Only a few ingredients, and super quick and easy to whip up. Just mix, roll out, slice with a pizza cutter and bake until golden-- voila! Everybody in [...]

White Cheddar Crackers2020-12-27T19:38:05+00:00

Ginger Peach Muffins

{ Ginger Peach Muffins } It's that time of year where I start raiding my pantry (and freezer) to try to use up whatever remains before fresh garden season begins again. Though peaches don't grow here in [...]

Ginger Peach Muffins2020-12-27T19:44:26+00:00
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