Thai Peanut Lettuce Wraps

{ Thai Peanut Lettuce Wraps } This is one of those tasty, veggie-laden meals that has you thanking yourself that you stock your refrigerator with fresh produce. Healthy, delicious, and a simple take-along meal for those busy [...]

Thai Peanut Lettuce Wraps2023-09-08T16:21:34+00:00

Leek + Mushroom Tart

{ Leek + Mushroom Tart } Among all those late summer vegetables, leeks rank as one of my favourites. Their sweet and fragrant onion-like flavour adds so much deliciousness to all the comfort foods like soups, stuffings, [...]

Leek + Mushroom Tart2023-08-28T15:43:21+00:00

Beet + Black Bean Burger

{ Beet + Black Bean Burger } Bring these babies to your next backyard BBQ for a vegetarian twist! Bright, earthy beets are the star in this delicious summer meal. Here at the farm our beets come [...]

Beet + Black Bean Burger2023-07-14T15:46:43+00:00

Pak Choy Ramen

{ Pak Choy Ramen } Pak choy, a delicious vegetable with thick, clustered stalks that are crunchy yet juicy, and lush green leaves with a mild spinach flavour. The entire plant is edible, and all parts quick [...]

Pak Choy Ramen2023-07-18T18:33:41+00:00

Creamy Fall Soup with Mushrooms, Corn + Leeks

{Creamy Fall Soup} with Mushrooms, Corn + Leeks Mmm, can't you just taste this warm, autumn-in-a-bowl goodness? It's time to gather that late garden harvest and throw it all in a pot for a comforting supper. [...]

Creamy Fall Soup with Mushrooms, Corn + Leeks2022-09-18T00:37:35+00:00
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